नमस्ते 🙏🏻
Hello, my name is Dev Chaudhary, and I am gonna be King of the Pirates 👑
This is just my personal portfolio personal pic (:
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Web Development 🕸️

I started my journey as a Web Developer back in December of 2020; when I assembled my first PC with the help of my friend and started learning HTML, CSS first and then learned a bit of JavaScript. Later I decided to learn a Web Framework and I ended up going with the most popular React.JS from Facebook. However, when I learnt about Next.JS, I became fan of it and learned that and got a really good grasp on it. In fact, the website you are seeing is made using Next.JS. For back-end I later learned Node.JS with express and MongoDB as Database and became a MERN developer.

Rust 🦀

When I was bored with Web Development back in April 2021, I decided to learn some real fun language; a language which can do anything like C and is more performant than high-level languages like Python. Rust was my go to language for low-level concepts. Even though we can do a lot of things using Rust, my primary goal to learn Rust was to develop some low level concepts on how actually the computers works on hardware level. And frankly, I learned a lot of thing using Rust like memory-management, references, pointers and a relatively new concept known as Ownership & Borrowing.